Ardytha Luthfiarta, M.Kom 

Dosen Teknik Informatika

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Kota Semarang


  1. 2024 – Analisis Sentimen: Pengaruh Jam Kerja Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Generasi Z. Journal of Applied Computer Science and Technology 5 (1), 16-25
  2. 2024 – Ensemble Klasifikasi Penyakit Tuberculosis Pada Hasil Pengobatan Menggunakan Metode Hybrid K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), Decision Tree dan Support Vector Machine (SVM). JURNAL MEDIA INFORMATIKA BUDIDARMA 8 (1), 342-351
  3. 2024 – Sentiment Analysis on the Impact of MBKM on Student Organizations Using Supervised Learning with Smote to Handle Data Imbalance. Inform: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 9 (1), 58-66
  4. 2024 – Pengaruh Oversampling dan Cross Validation Pada Model Machine Learning Untuk Sentimen Analisis Kebijakan Luaran Kelulusan Mahasiswa. JURNAL MEDIA INFORMATIKA BUDIDARMA 8 (1), 163-172
  5. 2024 – Komparasi Teknik Feature Selection Dalam Klasifikasi Serangan IoT Menggunakan Algoritma Decision Tree. JURNAL MEDIA INFORMATIKA BUDIDARMA 8 (1), 83-93
  6. 2024 – The Effect of LAB Color Space with NASNetMobile Fine-tuning on Model Performance for Crowd Detection. Advance Sustainable Science, Engineering and Technology 6 (1), 02401014
  7. 2023 – Data-Driven Modeling of Human Development Index in Eastern Indonesia’s Region Using Gaussian Techniques Empowered by Machine Learning. Journal of Applied Geospatial Information 7 (2), 1004-1010
  8. 2023 – Improving Multi-label Classification Performance on Imbalanced Datasets Through SMOTE Technique and Data Augmentation Using IndoBERT Model. Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi 9 (3), 290-298
  9. 2022 – Transfer Learning with Xception Architecture for Snakefruit Quality Classification. Journal of Applied Intelligent System 7 (2), 162-171