Dosen Teknik Informatika

Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Kota Semarang


Penelitian dan Pengabdian Eksternal

  1. 2022 – Pengembangan Teknologi Penyembunyian Hybrid Untuk Otentikasi Keaslian Dan Keamanan Transaksi File Digital

Penelitian dan Pengabdian Internal

  1. 2020 – Metode Pengambilan Keputusan Multi-Kriteria Kategori MultiAtribut Penentuan Potensi Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behavior

Penelitian Publish

  1. 2024 – Towards Achieving a Trade-Off for SVD-based Image Watermarking Using Mojette Transform. IEEE Access
  2. 2024 – Pelatihan Peningkatan Ketrampilan Desain dan Layout Buku Elektronik bagi Guru dan Dosen. ABDIMASKU: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT 7 (1), 155-166
  3. 2023 – Pelatihan Desain Foto dan Katalog Produk Bank Sampah Pentul Asri Semarang ABDIMASKU: JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT 6 (3), 1064-1073
  4. 2023 – Aplikasi Game Edukasi Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris bagi Anak Sekolah Dasar. ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia 9 (03), 412-421
  5. 2023 – Artificial Neural Network for image based Leaf Type Classification with Feature Extraction GLCM Method. 2023 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
  6. 2023 – An Image Encryption Scheme Combining 2D Cascaded Logistic Map and Permutation-Substitution Operations Computation 11 (9), 178
  7. 2023 – Nested Block based Double Self-embedding Fragile Image Watermarking with Super-resolution Recovery. IEEE Access 2023 – Pengembangan Model dengan Pendekatan Machine Learning untuk Prediksi Performa Akademik Mahasiswa. Seminar Keinsinyuran Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur 3 (1)
  8. 2022 – Integration of Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making and Clustering Methods for Student Apprenticeship Recommendations 2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
  9. 2022 – Application of Grayscale Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Method for Classification of Quality Type of Guava Leaves as Traditional Medicine Using Neural Network Algorithm. 2022 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)
  10. 2022 – Block-based Fragile Image Watermarking based on SVD-LSB and Chaos System. 2022 5th International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT)
  11. 2022 – A rule-generation model for class imbalances to detect student entrepreneurship based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Cybernetics and Information Technologies 22 (2), 160-178
  12. 2022 – Imperceptible Improvement using Edge Area Selection for Robust Video Watermarking Using Tchebichef-Singular Value Decomposition. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 15 (2)
  13. 2022 – Job stress, compensation, job dissatisfaction and turnover intention 2nd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence (ICIAI 2021)
  14. 2022 – Integration of Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making and Clustering Methods for Student Apprenticeship Recommendations

HKI (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual)

  1. 2022 – Program Komputer. Aplikasi Pengatur Waktu Robot Catur Cerdas ROCAKU Gen.1.0
  2. 2022 – Karya Ilmiah. Integrasi Information Gain Dan Fuzzy Multi-Attribute DecisionMaking Untuk Rekomendasi Pemagangan Siswa Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Pekalongan